Sunday, November 30, 2003

Howard Dean rally in Merrimack, NH

Last week a postcard arrived alerting us to a Howard Dean event at the
Merrimack High School for this morning. Here are some pictures and my notes.

Howard Dean at Merrimack High School (30 Nov 2003)

Howard Dean signing autographs for Spencer, Griffin, Trevor (30 Nov 2003)>

Howard Dean scratching his nose ;-) (30 Nov 2003)

[Notes later -- they are on my palm pilot and I have to find the cable to sync
it, long weekend, tired, blah, blah]

10th annual Nashua Downtown Winter Holiday Stroll / John Edwards

Saturday we braved the New Hampshire cold and wind to see John
Edwards' appearance at the Nashua Downtown Winter Holiday Stroll. The
boys had a great time handing out candy canes from the campaign.

John Edwards at Nashua Downtown Winter Holiday Stroll (29 Nov 2003)

Wendy asking a education question of John Edwards

Related Links:

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Dismantling of the Sand Mandala of the monks of Drepung Gomang Monastery

This afternoon we all went to Nashua North High School to watch the
dismantling of the sand Mandala representing Compassion. After about
25 minutes of overtone chanting (beautiful and impossible to describe)
to mark the beginning of the ceremony the head monk gave some
background on Buddist beliefs, Tibetan culture and thanked everyone
involved. Then rather quickly the sand mandala which took four days
to create was swept up and then marched down the the river and
dispersed onto the water. The idea is the compassion embodied by the
art will be carried by the water to everyone who needs it in the

Completed Sand Mandala by the monks of Drepung Gomang Monastery at Nashua Hi
gh School North (click for larger image)

Sand Mandala (click for larger image)

Sand Mandala (click for larger image)

Sand Mandala (click for larger image)

Sand Mandala (click for larger image)

Sand Mandala (click for larger image)

Deconstructing Sand Mandala (click for larger image)

Deconstructing Sand Mandala (click for larger image)

Deconstructing the Sand Mandala (click for larger image)

Related Links:

Monday, November 17, 2003

New Hampshire Public Radion and KUNI (Iowa) Public Radio Election 2004 P

I was surfing Google News and
stumbled upon this joint NHPR/href="">KUNI public radio website of href="">'penpals' which are
really just MT powered blogs.

Check it out -- Primary Frontl
ine PenPals

(RDF |
RSS 2.0 XML)

Sunday, November 9, 2003

Joe Lieberman Town Hall Meeting at Daniel Webster College in Nashua, NH

This has been quite a New Hampshire Primary weekend for the
Nozell/Thomas family!

We just got back from the Joe Lieberman event at Daniel Webster
College (Nashua, NH).

Overall: He is looking to run a much more socially conservative path
in hopes of getting the "Reagan Republicans" back to the Democratic
party, is the pro-war alternative, playing on the religious/family
values theme. Also has the angle of 'you may not agree on everything,
but you know I do this because of what I believe not because of
polls/who contributes to me'.

Joe Lieberman in Nashua, NH (9Nov2003)

Random Notes: (hey, they are cryptic notes from the palm pilot)

I'd guess there were about 150 or so people at the event that was held
at the rather small student union on DWC. One the way in the advance
man asked us if we wanted to sit in front on the floor and by the way
sign this video release form. So far everytime we've taken all the
kids to an event like this, they want to use us for eye candy in the
front. So we were right in front of the podium and had a nice little
chat with Dick and Katrina Swett (former congressman for NH). They
have 7 children and she was pulling out her photos of children ;-)

Lieberman didn't have much in the way of a prepared talk, just a
bit on intro on how the US could do better to take care of our
veterans and how Bush isn't.

Q1) from a student in a suit and tie about the Paul Wellstone funeral
and how some say it was turned into a political rally (question was
more accusatory). Answer was along the lines that it was an unusual
night, he agreed and Paul would have too that booing the Republicans
that attended wasn't appropriate, but the Pro-Democratic cheers were
Paul's friends just wanting to keep his work going.

Q2) What are the top 3 issues you would address? Answer,
assuming domestic issues, 1) Economy, 2) Public Schools 3) Healthcare.
A 4th would be to address the international arrogance of the Bush
campaign which is responsible for why everyone hates us.

Q3) A visually impaired person asked if Lieberman would support a
requirement for matching funds to be to provide campaign info in
braille and/or audio formats. Asked his staffers to talk to the
person afterwards and will think about it.

Q4) Question from the "Save Our Syrup; Stop Global Warming" folks (href="">
about global warming. Answer: it is a real problem and the
Republicans are always trying to say that it is unproven. Said that
in a few years those reports will end up in the wastebasket along with
those from the tobacco industry saying their product is safe. George
W. Bush is the worst environmental president in history. Enforcement
is down, ref: EPA(?) told to drop investigations on polluting power
plants. Pulling out of Kyoto talks showed that GWB is not
responsible. It goes goes against the US's basic values.

Q5) Health care: does not want a Canadian style program, but wants to
use large pool of participants of uninsured in the USA.

Q6) Mental illness? It should be covered like any other medical

Q7) Please highlight the differences between you and the other
Democratic candidates. It is healthy up to a point to talk about
differences, but the point is to put a Democrat in the White
House. Differences of course ont the war, but also in health care.
The other's health care plans are too expensive or too big. Taxes,
specifically Dean and Gephardt want to roll back all of Bush's tax
cuts, he wants to keep the taxcuts for middle income folks (up to
$200,000 which is the start of the 2% of Americans). Mentioned Dean
not accepting federal matching funds and hopes that Dean will keep
within those guide lines for the primaries.

Q8) Free trade? Lieberman says we need fair trade and the NH depends
on free trade. Need to encourage other countries to raise their work
standards. Mentioned Clinton's take on it that the USA is only 4% of
the world and we need to trade with the other 96% of the world.

Q9) Business ethics? The goverment needs to have a a roll in this.
Republicans say let the market take care of it, but goverment needs to
have a roll. Would want to have pro-investor and pro-consumer people
on company boards. ref: mutual fund scandal that was broken by the
ATGs of Massachusetts and New York, not by any insiders coming

Q10) asked a question about how to improve special education.
Lieberman asked for more information and to have a staffer follow up
with her concerns.

Q11) H1B Visas? Make the point that he wasn't against immigration,
but we should take a look at if H1B are still needed for high tech.
Mentioned some bill/ammendment he was working on related to this.

There was a question about his support of a Palestinian state as
quoted from a talk to the Arab-American group a few weeks ago. The
tone of the questioner was that she wasn't much in favor of it.
Lieberman said the US needs to be strongly involved, we are the only
country both sides trust.

Katrina Swett (ran for congress a couple years back) had a
question/comment about 'why vote for joe' -- Basically need someone
who can work the middle of the party and attract Democratic leaning
independents so he can win next year. Someone that the Republicans
can't characterize as not in keeping with the main stream social
issues, not strong on defense and eager to raise taxes. Lieberman
agreed that can't/shouldn't let the Republicans to portay as
anti-religion, anti-family values.

There were more Q & A but the kids were getting hungry and a little
restless. At the end Spencer, Griffin and Trevor wanted to shake his

Joe Lieberman in Nashua, NH (9Nov2003)

Joe Lieberman in Nashua, NH (9Nov2003)

are some pictures of Joe Lieberman at a Daniel Webster College in Nashua, N

BTW: Check out tomorrow's Nashua Telegraph and New York Times -- the
Telegraph may have some pictures of Wendy, Logan, Addy and Emma and
the Times may quote Wendy (the reporter said she looked great for
having six kids -- Wendy would kill to see that description of her in
the Times ;-)

Saturday, November 8, 2003

John Kerry talking to a Veterns' group in Manchester, NH

This morning on the way to drop off some of the kids at art lessons at
the Currier I saw a small film
crew outside a restaurant on Elm Street in Manchester. I walked down
to see what was the happening and John Kerry was meeting with a
veterns group. He was just finishing up and working the room of vets.

John Kerry in Manchester, NH (8Nov2003)

are some pictures of John Kerry at a resturant in Manchester, NH.

The Presidential Staffers are swarming in New Hampshire today

John Kerry's people said he will be speaking at a Vetern's rally
this morning at Independence(?) Park in Manchester.

On the walk back from the John Kerry event, I ran into a bunch of
Howard Dean staffers looking for a place to eat -- sent them to the
Hungarian restaurant on Elm St, not the diner Kerry was at ;-) One of
the young women was from Rochester, NY (Bloomfield actually) -- it is
funny how after all these years I can still pick up the hard R accent
from there.

The Joe Lieberman staffers were out too. He will have a Town Hall
Meeting on Sunday November 9th at 4:30pm in the Common Thread Student
Union of Daniel Webster College in Nashua, NH. "Come hear about his
plans to restore progress and prosperity to the country and integrity
and fairness to the White House". For more info, call Andy at
603-889-4009 or href="">

Friday, November 7, 2003

John Edwards Town Hall Meeting at Martha's Exchange in Nashua, NH

are some pictures
from this lunch time's href="">John Edwards Town Hall Meeting
at Martha's Exchange in Nashua, NH.

John Edwards in Nashua, NH (7Nov2003)

Related blog entries:

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Matrix: Reloaded == Wrath of Khan / Matrix: Revolutions == Whales

It is 12:01am and I just got back from a showing of Matrix
and wanted to rave about it. While the special
effects were outstanding the movie wasn't satisfying. There wasn't
enough explanation of why it ended the way it did and what, if
anything, was the next step.

If Matrix Reloaded is Wrath of Khan, Matrix
is more like the one with the whales. Nice to see
everyone again with their new toys, but it doesn't give the thrill you
were expecting.

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

John Edwards' November campaign stops in New Hampshire

We got a flyer in the mail a few days ago from the John Edwards
campaign with all their NH stops.

For more info, call 603-621-2300 or href="">

  • Wednesday November 5, 8:30am -- Goffstown; Breakfast at
    Travers Village Restaurant, 13 Main St


  • Wednesday November 5, 11:30am -- Concord, Policy Speech, NH
    Technical Institute, 31 College Dr


  • Wednesday, November 5, 3:25pm -- Lebanon, Workplace Town Hall
    Meeting; Graphics Data Technology, 11 Lafayette St


  • Wednesday November 5, 5:30pm -- Manchester, Planned Parenthood
    Candidates Forum ; Holiday Inn Center of NH, 700 Elm St


  • Thursday, November 6, 10:30am - Swanzey -- Town Hall Meeting ;
    Monadnock Regional High School, 580 Old Homestead Highway


  • Thursday November 6, 7:30pm -- Portsmouth; Town Hall Meeting ;
    South Church; 292 State St


  • Friday November 7, 8am -- Dover; Breakfast; Christopher David's
    Restaurant; 446 Central Ave


  • Friday November 7, 11:30am -- Nashua; Lunch; Martha's Exchange,
    185 Main Street (Good micro-brew. Get the Scotch Ale if they have it! -marc)


  • Friday November 7, 6pm -- Manchester; Town Hall Meeting ; Millyard
    Museum; 255 Commercial St


  • Friday November 7, 7:30pm -- Derry; Town Hall Meeting; Marion Gerrish Commu
    nity Center; 39 West Broadway


  • Saturday November 8, 9:30am -- Milford; Breakfast ; Milford Diner
    ; 63 Union Sq


  • Saturday November 8, Noon -- Concord; Town Hall Meeting; Home of
    Chris and Kristin Sullivan, 9 Pine St


  • Saturday November 8, 1:30pm -- Salem; Town Hall Meeting; Home of
    Lynne Snierson, 20 Lady Lane


  • Saturday November 8, 4pm -- Meredith; Town Hall Meeting;
    Inter-Lakes Elementary School; 1 Laker Ln


  • Saturday November 8, 7pm -- Gorham; Keynote Address at Coos County
    Democrats Truman Dinner, Town & Country Motor Inn, Route 2


(Note: Take the maps@yahoo with a grain of salt. Especially the last one.)