Monday, January 31, 2005

Testing gnome-blog-poster

This is from the gnome-blog-poster (0.8) to WordPress 1.2.2-mingus.

For preferences, don't use 'Self-run Wordpress' -- it seems to generate a bogus URL that includes wordpress in it. Instead pick 'Self-run Other' and use the MetaWeblog protocol. The URL should be point to your xmlrpc.php in our web space, typically it is in the top level of the blog's directory.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

This Week's bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for user MarcN

Updated Yet Another Daily hack

I've updated my Yet Another Daily (yadd.php) so it can be called once a week. I suppose it should be called Yet Another Weekly (yawd-1.0.php).

Found through my ping-backs that zman has a patch to yadd.php so it doesn't create empty entries on days where there are no new bookmarks.


Monday, January 24, 2005

Crucial Firefox extensions

+ plugin -- Add/remove/edit bookmarks from a right mouse click.

* Foxylicious -- grabs your bookmarks and adds them to your local Firefox bookmarks.

* sitebar plugin -- An alternative to I started running a copy of the SiteBar server on my home Linux box, but it is just simpler to use and for private bookmarks to just keep it locally (internal corporate links, etc)

* webdeveloper plugin -- I don't use it much, but it is handy to find any links within a webpage.

* SwitchProxy tool -- switch proxies as needed. Useful when if you connect to various networks with different proxies settings.

Monster Truck Thunder Nationals

I took a couple of the boys and some of their friends to the Thunder Nationals up in Manchester, NH this weekend.

It had everything -- Monster Truck free style, Quad racing, motocross jumps and of course Monster Truck racing.

Here are some photos to give you the feel of being there -

Monster Truck Freestyling

Some of the TrucksMotocross jumpsQuad Racing -- surprise! Team New England won.And the winner was Sampson

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Thursday, January 20, 2005

This Week's bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for user MarcN

Friday, January 14, 2005

The Chrinitoid has been found!

In this current Renesselaer (still RPI to me!) Alumni magazine, the current location of the George Rickey Chrinitoid has been found!

Tom Payne ('86) tracked it down to Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) found it is on public display in Zurich. It was so cool to watch on windy days. Those huge slabs were the size of a small car and could really get whipping around. Check out the animation on Tom's site.

I wonder how much it would cost to buy it back? Any rich RPI'ers out there?

Hit google for more info on the wonderous Chrinitoid

Gross! Gross! Gross!

So this afternoon I saw BoingBoing's article about Larval therapy and just had to blog about my own personal gross-out -- maggots!

Months ago there was a picture of an allegedly maggot infested breast, but that was debunked on Snopes. To exorcise my personal demons, I started hunting for the real thing and found this -- 'Furuncular myiasis of the breast caused by the larvae of the Tumbu fly (Cordylobia anthropophaga)'.

And just what does that mean? Well, here is a better description:

We report a 70 year old woman who presented with a week history of itchy multiple discharging sinuses of the right breast. The sinuses contained wriggling larvae of C. anthropophaga. Fourteen larvae were extracted from the breast and the sinuses healed quite well after the extraction.

Head on over for the photos, but stay for the video.

Man, that is freaking gross! Check out how those suckers wiggle around! Ugh! Unclean! Unclean!

Saturday, January 8, 2005

Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Sigh, trackback spam is starting...

Two random string trackbacks from this morning.

And I was so happy with the little WP hack that stopped all the comment spam.

Getting the bleeding edge iPodder on Linux (debian/sarge) mini-HOWTO

Lately, I've been using the bleeding edge version of iPodder from CVS (which confusingly is in the
iSpider directory) Here is how you can grab a copy for yourself:

$ cvs login
CVS password: (press return)

$ cvs -z3 co iSpider

[tons of informational messages about downloading iSpider]

$ cd iSpider
$ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.5.3-gtk2-unicode:$PYTHONPATH-unicode:$PYTHONPATH
$ python iPodderGui.pyw

... And fire up your favorite dev tools!

iPodder GUI on Linux (debian/sarge) mini-HOWTO

I've been using the ipodder beta on
my laptop that runs GNU/Linux Debian/Sarge in the command line only mode. But over the holidays there was and update to wxpython that gets the GUI working.

This is what you need to do:

$ alien --to-deb ipodder-1.1.2-1cl.noarch.rpm
$ sudo dpkg -i ipodder_1.1.2-2_all.deb
$ export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/wx-2.5.3-gtk2-unicode:$PYTHONPATH-unicode:$PYTHONPATH
$ /opt/iPodder/

and enjoy...