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NH FITN Weekend
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Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 22:41:20 UT
From: "Patrick Mayer" <pmayer>
To: "" <>
Subject: Newt 2012 Volunteer Opportunities and January 16th Debate Watch Party
Friends with Newt,
We at the Atlanta HQ are excited about the number of volunteers that came out to lend a hand over the holidays to make calls into Iowa and are looking forward to the next round of primaries.
In order to capitalize on the rush of volunteers, the phone banking system here at the Atlanta HQ is open 6 days a week. We want to make sure we contact as many voters as possible in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida.
Atlanta HQ Phone Banking Hours:
Monday =E2=80=93 Friday: 10AM to 7PM
Saturday: 10AM to 3PM
Atlanta HQ Address:
3110 Maple Drive
Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30305
The office also needs help opening mail, answering phones, and other basic office duties from 10AM to 5:30PM during the week. Please RSVP with your availability during the week if you would like to do these tasks, there are only so many of these spots to fill. You can contact me at in order to reserve your spot.
If you cannot make it into the Atlanta HQ you can always make calls from your home through our phone bank from home system at: The system will direct you though the process of signing in and calling to voters in the next states.
On Monday, January 16th we will be hosting a Debate Watch Party at Taco Mac in Sandy Springs. Please join us at 8PM before the debate at 9PM!
Taco Mac (Prado):
5600 Roswell Road
Atlanta, GA 30342
If you are hosting a similar event outside of the North Atlanta area, please contact me at I will post it to our Facebook Page, and will send it out with the event reminder at the end of next week.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at the HQ and Taco Mac!
Patrick Mayer
Volunteer Coordinator
Newt 2012
(678) 973-2306
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