- Death of Member: OCGS Vice President Roger A. King
- Cemetery Law Project Update
- Written on Stone (in memory of Roger A. King)
- Donations: Horton Cemetery Tombstones (Kent County, MI);
- Queries
- Answers to Queries
- Ancestor Table: Sarah Anne Emmerson
- Orange County Wills
- Bible Records: Knapp Family with Farley Family Information
- Gannon Family Information
- Golden Hill Race Course (from Goshen's Independent Republican 2 Jan 1878)
li> - Benjamin Thompson's Civil Ware Experiences
- Where They Went (Wayne Co, Pennsylvania)
- Newburgh Directory for 1858-1859
- Orange County New York Early Marriages (pre-1810)
- Records of Town of Wallkill, Orange County, NY (1881-1909)
- Howell Y-DNA testing needed
- Programming (1 June 2003 'How to read a hebrew tombstone just about anywher
e in the world' (Judith Langer-Surnamer Caplan); 5 July 2003 - No program; 2 Au
g 2003 not yet scheduled)
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
The Orange County Genealogical Society Quarterly / Volume 33, Number 1 Quarterly (May 2003)
HP PSC 750 color flatbed all-in-one works great with debian
Given that most of the new scanners from HP are not supported under
Linux, it was nice to see that this printer/copier/scanner works fine.
Here are the packages I needed:
apt-get install hpoj hpoj-xojpanel hpscanpbm libsane-extras
Scan directly from gimp (File->Acquire->Xsane), sane or the command line scanimage.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
More debian packages installed on the laptop today
dnstop -- sniff & watch dns traffi
dirvish -- multiple backups of onl
ine storage, uses ssh. Currently my
laptop gets rsync'ed to the work desktop, but it isn't done frequently
or consistently enough...
springgraph -- creates graphs
of nodes. It could be handy to use it to graph genealogy relationships.
jnettop -- sniffs and graphs netwo
rk traffic. I'm a sucker for
network traffic graphers.
pornview -- just because it has s
uch a great name
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Gymnastics Village 1st place at New England Championships (Class 7, Age 6-7)
Trevor's team from href="http://www.gymnasticsvillage.com/">Gymnastics Village placed
1st at today's New England Championships in Stoughton, MA.
Congratulations href="http://www.gymnasticsvillage.com/boysteamroster.htm">team!
Congratulations href="http://www.gymnasticsvillage.com/staff.htm">Igor!
Saturday, May 17, 2003
Today was NH's Young Inventors' Invention Convention
Today was the 17th annual celegration of the New Hampshire Young
Inventors' program which is sponsored by the href="http://www.aas-world.org">Academy of Applied Science.
Spencer's 'Heat Now!' invention was given the 6th grade
'Environmental Award' and the Medical Special Award. The
latter one is given by the New
Hampshire Medical Society and came with a $50 saving bond. He was
just beaming.
The first guest speaker was Ken Hakuta, better known as href="http://www.drfad.com">Dr. Fad, the inventor of the "Wacky
WallWalker" who unloaded a boatload of his flag ship toy to each of
the kids.
The second guest speaker were Kati Fairweather, a local high school
inventor who was recently awarded a patent for her href="http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=/
Loss Lacrosse" (aka "Tethered practice apparatus") and href="http://www.brinelax.com/brine.php?section=products&page=detail&cat=access
by Brine..
Tomorrow href="http://www.gymnasticsvillage.com/boysteamroster.htm">Trevor
is competing in the Class 7 New England Championships meet down in
Stoughton, MA. Who said weekends were made for relaxing ;-)
Friday, May 16, 2003
Unintentional Guerilla Marketing
I was IM'ing with Scott of
Fuzzyblog fame about
feedster and got to chatting about the work href="http://h18022.www1.hp.com/solutions/showroom/linuxsolutions.html"
my group does at HP. He thought
it was interesting enough to give it a href="http://www.scottsweblog.com/node.php?id=1013">mention on his
Nice Mozilla extensions
- download status at the bottom
http://downloadstatusbar.mozdev.org/installation.html - Add search engine support (ala Galeon)
http://easysearch.mozdev.org/installation.html - Customizable preferences menubar
http://xulplanet.mozdev.org/ - Checky
Thursday, May 15, 2003
Lunar Eclipse tonight
Our 6th
grader's science teacher is giving out extra credit if the
students see the lunar eclipse tonight. It took 10 minutes to wake
and get Spencer outside, but unfortunately it is very cloudy and we
couldn't see anything.
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
"MSIE - I command you to open the CD drive!"
Right thinking people use Mozilla or other
web browsers and, of course, are safe from this
little hack. Add it to *your* website.
(View source to see the 11 lines of VBScript.)
Found this on waxy.org. Give them the cr
I've pointed my windows-lovin' coworkers to
Friday, May 9, 2003
Who is osbourne.homeip.net?
I was checking out my access logs and saw that osbourne.homeip.net
is referencing a bunch of images on my webserver. It looks like they
are using blosxom as some sort of aggregator. Take a look at href="http://osbourne.homeip.net/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi">http://osbourne.homeip.ne
Its nic
e to be noticed, I suppose.
I'm guessing their day job is at lexis-nexis.com and it looks like
they use a sun workstation to surf. :-)
Thursday, May 8, 2003
The final batch of 54 more genealogy images
I'm finally done slicing and dicing those scans from last weekend.
Here is a resolution reduced shot of me, my father and sister circa
1969 by the regionally famous Long Island Big Duck. It is still
around, but apparently it has been relocated from the original

Take a look at these other articles/shrines to the Long Island Big Duck:
- http://www.loggia.com/v
ignette/9914b.html - http://www.
roadsideamerica.com/attract/NYFLAduck.html - http://www.n
ewsday.com/extras/lihistory/7/hs720a.htm - http://longislandgeneal
ogy.com/ducks.html - http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/twhp/wwwlps/lessons/6roadside/6facts1.htm
- Google Images
Wednesday, May 7, 2003
362(!) new old genealogy images (the last bit tomorrow night)
Wow I really cranked through the second batch of old family images!
Over 220Mb of images tonight versus yesterday's paltry 124Mb. To scan
it faster, I put as many photos as would fit on the scanner, now there
is only one photo is in each file. After cutting apart some more
scans tomorrow, the next step is to put names/places/dates to each
photo based on the handwritten notes of my mother.
If I've given you a username and password, take a look at href="http://www.nozell.com/genealogy/private/">http://www.nozell.com/genealogy
under 'day2'. As with 'day1', most of the images are from of the HULL
and LENT lines and a few of the NOZELL, SMITH, ODELL lines.
Off to bed!
Tuesday, May 6, 2003
121 new old genealogy images (more tomorrow night)
I spent the evening cropping and organizing 121 old family images
using gimp on my trusty href="http://www.fsf.org">gnu/href="http://www.linux.org">linux href="http://www.debian.org/">debian href="http://www.nozell.com/cgi/blosxom/linux/debian/laptop">laptop.
If I've given you a username and password, take a look at href="http://www.nozell.com/genealogy/private/">http://www.nozell.com/genealogy
Most of the images are from of the HULL and LENT lines and a few of
height="443" width="369" alt="Dorothy HULL">
Sunday, May 4, 2003
family pictures -- including one of me naked!
My parents were in town this week and brought a whole bunch of old
family photos that I prompted scanned in. My mother was nice enough
to sit there and write a description of each image. Eventually they
will turn up in various genealogy mailings sent out to cousins.
I've been trying to think how to integrate blogging, wiki,
whatever to encourage various family members and genealogists surfing
from search engines to collaborate on identifying and sharing images
Without further ado -- here is a picture of me buck naked on August 18, 1964
alt="Picture of the author -- naked!" src="http://www.nozell.com/marc/blog/data
(Well, that should certainly drive up google search traffic to
this blog. Now go
away, there is no more nudity here.)
Links about the Old Man on the Mountain
I need to dig up some of our photos of the Old Man.
Governor Dedicated To 'Old Man' Restoration
Benson Plans To Open Revitalization Fund To Restore Stone Profile
Nashua Telegraph:
The Old Man: A look back
Union Leader:
re reclaims
classic NH icon
Bald said he expects to receive condolence cards, as Granite Staters struggle w
ith how to deal with the loss of a state treasure.
"That's exactly what it feels like ? like you have just lost someone close," Ba
ld said.
Union Leader: The Old Man is gone:
New Hampshire has lost
its profile
Saturday, May 3, 2003
The NH Old Man on the Mountain is no more
It is a sad day here in New Hampshire. The evening news said there is
a fund for the restoration of the Old Man. I can't imagine the state
not rebuilding it -- the likeness is on everything in
the state.
Trevor is 4th in 2003 NH Class 7 State Championships
Trevor did a great job at today's NH Class 7 State Championships and
placed fourth for the 6-7 age group!
FX: 8.2
PH: 8.4
R: 8.9
V: 8.9
PB: 9.0
HB: 9.0
AA Score: 52.4
Trevor visits the hospital
Two years ago we discovered the hard way that he was seriously
allergic to bee and wasps and he carries an epipen with him at all
times. Yesterday Trevor was stung/bit has an href="http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2076.html">anaphylactic
reaction to something. He 'won' an ambulance trip and spent a few
hours on an IV at the hospital, etc. Fortunately it wasn't as severe
as the last time and his breathing was no affected. Because he has
previously has had a 'rebound' reaction, we are on high alert for the
next 48 hours.
Still life goes on and he has his state gymnastics competition this
afternoon and is going to a friend's birthday party at a href="http://www.nashuapride.com">Nashua Pride game tonight
(although now I'll be going with him to the game 'just in case')
Thursday, May 1, 2003
This NPR station having a fun-raiser? Time to switch to another NPR station...
Another advantage of living in New England with its relatively small
states is being able to listen to any of three public radio stations.
Last week WBUR had their fund
raiser, this week is it NHPR (aka
WEVO) is having theirs. Perhaps href="http://www.wgbh.org">WGBH will be having theirs next week...
Yes, I've donated to NHPR, but that doesn't mean I want to miss the