The Blosxom doc mentions customizing the look and feel using style sheets and mentions blosxomEntry, blosxomDate, blosxomTime, blosxomTitle and blosxomBody. This is what my initial stab at an head.html looks like:
<STYLE TYPE-"type/css">
BODY {background: #FFFFFF}
.blosxomEntry {background: #ffffff; color: #000000}
.blosxomDate {font-family: Sans-serif,Verdana,Geneva,Arial; font-size: 15pt; color: #000000}
.blosxomTime {font-family: sans-serif, Times, braggadocio, fixed}
.blosxomTitle {font-family: Sans-serif, arial}
.blosxomBody {text-decoration: italicize; color: #666666} -->
Tuesday, March 5, 2002
Customizing blosxom with style(sheets)