Saturday, December 4, 2004

Want to be noticed? Buy *this* truck

It is time to sell The Beast. We replaced it with a car but didn't trade it in, although we probably should have.

Everyone in town recognized me in that big yellow truck taking the kids to daycare, shopping, going to work and now it can be yours.

The Beast!

Favorite memory of The Beast -- Back in early December 1999 (leading up to big Y2K panic) and when Wendy was very pregnant with Emma, we took the five other kids out to choose their
own christmas tree ornament and look at some christmas tree lights. Driving back down
Contential Blvd, three deer ran across the road and I clipped the little one. There is still
a small dent in the front from where the head it it, but it got up and took off into the woods.
We stopped and called the police in case they wanted to take a look for the injured animal. After about 10 minutes of waiting and assuring the kids that "No, Daddy didn't just hit Rudolf", the
police show up. I roll down the window and the policeman sticks his head in and says: "So I hear you just killed Rudolf." Tears start from the little ones.

The officer was nice enough to explain to the kids that, no, Daddy didn't kill Rudolf.

Ah, holiday memories!

Now go bid on The Beast on Ebay