Things I've noticed:
- Shipped with Ubuntu/Jaunty preinstalled. Root password: nosoup4u
- kernel:
Linux ubuntu #1 PREEMPT Tue Feb 8 03:18:41 EST
2011 armv5tel GNU/Linux - Misc system info: /proc/meminfo,/proc/cpuinfo, dmesg and lsmod
- Only port open is ssh
- The dreamplug starts up as an open wifi access point that will route through either eth0 of the wired network or a ppp0 device. It is named DreamPlug-uAP-{last two octects of the uap0 MAC address} ie: DreamPlug-uAP-eb4c
- /etc/rc.local runs a script in ~root/!) It sets up the wifi as an access point, configures iptables for ip masquerade/ip forwarding, enables bluetooth and plays with the LED light brightness. See:
- They didn't clean up .history -- lots of interesting stuff in there! Grab a copy before you do any commands as root. I lost the first 34 commands and curious what else they were doing. See: history.txt
Some commands they used and places to check for changes from default values:
- uaputl sys_config
- cp -rf /mnt/uaputl /usr/bin/uaputl
- vi /sbin/
- vi /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf
- mocp /media/usb1/EyesOnMe.mp3 (someone's favorite song, it gets played a number of times)
- vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf
- vi /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
- cat /proc/asound/card0/codec
- cat /proc/asound/card0/usbbus
- cat /proc/asound/card0/usbid
- cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/info
- vi /etc/
- vi /etc/java-6-openjdk/
- speaker-test
- vi /etc/mke2fs.conf +5
- vi /etc/asound.conf
- arecord -f dat -D hw:3,0 -d 30 foo.wav
- arecord -f dat -D hw:0 -d 30 foo.wav
- arecord -f dat -D hw:1,0 -d 30 foo.wav
- cat /proc/asound/cards
- arecord -l
- vi /etc/asound.conf
- mocp BuzzingBee.wav
- mv /etc/asound.conf /etc/asound1.conf
- vi /etc/modprobe.conf
- sudo apt-get install snd_pcm_dmix
- vi /etc/asound1.conf
- cp -rf /etc/asound1.conf /etc/asound.conf
- play /home/havana.wav
- vi /etc/udhcpd.conf- There are two kernel modules (mcypt.ko & sd8xxx.ko) sitting in ~root/ On how to use them (not that I've tried yet), try here on See: mcypt.ko and sd8xxx.ko
- Packages installed by default: dpkg.txt
- Things to do:
-apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
(carefully don't trash possibly changed config files)- install emacs (sudo apt-get install emacs
)- change password- create user accounts- add users to sudousers (visudo
)- install ssh keys (ssh-copy-id user@ubuntu.local
)- change the hostname from ubuntu.local to morpheus.local (to go with my SheevaPlug named lordshiva.local) (edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts)
- play with USB webcam & motion
- setup ftp/nfs for local file sharing
- carefully consider upgrading to more recent versions
- look at using as a wifi client
- try pairing bluetooth headset
- try pairing android phone -- file transfers? remote control?
- install cups
- install gnump3d (needs make)
- install munin to monitor performance (is this going to kill my
internal sd storage?)
14-Apr 10:50am Update: DreamPlug discussion on reddit submitted by sub2k1