Just got a phone call from Rasmussen...
Here are the questions they are asking tonight (05-Jan-2012)
- What is your opinion of the job President Barack Obama is doing?
- Sex
- Age range
- Your ethnicity: white/black/hispanic/asian/other
- How often vote?
- Identify as: Republican/Democrat/Other/Independent/Not Sure
- Which primary will you be voting?
- If Republican how likely are you to vote?
- if 2012 election was held today who would you vote for? Santorum Romney Gingrich Huntsman Paul Perry
- How certain are you?
- The following is a list of people in news, what is your opinion? Romney, Gingrich, Perry, Paul , Huntsman, Santorum, Not Sure
- Which Republican would be strongest against Obama? Romney, Santorum, Paul, Huntsman, Gingrich, Perry, Not Sure
- Which Republican would be weakest against Obama? Romney, Santorum, Paul, Huntsman, Gingrich, Perry, Not Sure
- Who think will win the primary? Romney, Santorum, Paul, Huntsman, Gingrich, Perry, Not Sure
- if your favoriate candidate does not win, in the general election would you vote for the Republican, Obama or a 3rd party?* how likely rep will win?
- Sometimes situations arise that make it impossible to vote. How certain you will vote?
- Do you consider yourself political very liberal, somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, very conservative
- Married?
- Do you have childen under 18 living at home?
- Do you consider yourself part of the Tea Party?
- Which faith? Evangelical Christian, Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, Other
- How much do you earn? < $20k, $20-40k, $40-60k, $60-75k, $75-100k, > $100k
And they signed off with: For more information and results, see rasmussenreports.com or on twitter.com/rasmussenpoll