Thursday, September 19, 2002

Blosxom 0+5i

Rael released a new version of
blosxom. While he
didn't take my suggestion of adding a way to tag entries with icons,
he did rework blosxom to walk down through directories looking for
entries. At least I can keep entries organized a bit more.

Currently my categories are:

   |-- blosxom/
   |-- eye-candy/
   |-- family/
   |   |-- kids/A>
   |   ·--


   |-- geocaching/
   |-- linux/
   |   |-- apps/>
   |   |--

   |   |-- debian

   |   ·-- t

   ·-- us/
       ·-- civil-liberties/

A tip of the hat to the Linux command href="">tree which generated
the initial HTML for the above.