Monday, October 24, 2011

NH 2012 Presidential Primary Photos

Follow the link to see all my photos from the NH Presidential Primary season (Summer 2011 through Winter 2012) Some photos are licensed under a Creative Commons license, while some are "All Rights Reserved" If you wish to use the latter photos, please contact me: marc at

Sarah Palin, looking out
Sarah Palin, looking out @ Tea Party Express Veterans' Park Manchester, NH

Rick Perry @ Private House event Manchester NH
Rick Perry @ Manchester, NH

Jon Huntsman
Jon Huntsman @ Amherst July 4th Parade

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney @ Tea Party Express @ Manchester

Buddy Roemer
Buddy Roemer

Sharron Angle
Sharron Angle

Looking for photos from the players from the 2008 election cycle? Go to

Note: Photos don't imply endorsement. But you could probably figure out who my favorites are...