- Grab my mt blosxom flavor files and add to your $datadir. Right-click to save these files:
content_type.mt date.mt, foot.mt , head.mt, story.mt - Edit story.mt and change the line "AUTHOR: marc" to whatever
username you will be using. - If you are using the blosxom clicktrack plugin (00clicktrack),
disable it. - Visit your blosxom site using the mt flavor:
http://yoursite.local/cgi-bin/blosxom?flav=mt and save it into a
file named import in your wp-admin directory. You may want to try
this: lynx -dump http://yoursite.local/cgi-bin/blosxom?flav=mt >
wp-admin/import.txt - Take a look at the import.txt file you just created. There are some
things you may want to fix now rather than after the import.- Lines are wrapped at 79 characters, so long URLs or entry titles may be broken.
- If you have a habit of using a bunch of dashes to separate text, the importer
may get confused and think it is the beginning of a new entry. Consider replacing
- with = - All the categories will be something like /nh (based on the pathname). You may want
to remove the leading slash. You can fix this after import and well as build up
a category hierarchy, so it isn't a big deal.
- Follow the standard WordPress instructions for import-mt.php.
- If you don't like your categories named with a leading slash (eg:
/nh), then edit your new WordPress categories. - Start going through your posts and clean up any messes...
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
HOWTO migrate from blosxom to wordpress
For my piece of mind, please backup your wordpress database before proceeding. I don't want my instructions to cause you to lose data.