Monday, May 23, 2005

iPodder (v2.0rc3) on UbuntuLinux

I usually run debian/sarge on my laptop, but tonight it is booted to Ubuntu 'Hoary Hedgehog' and wanted iPodder running in this environment too.

The current 'released' version of iPodder today is v2.0rc3 for Linux.

First off, go grab and install the the kit from

You'll need to use python2.3 instead of the default python which is v2.4. I already had it installed, but you many need to install it. Also the older version of the xmms python library needed to be installed, but the current version of libwxgtk2.5.3-python is needed.

The commands to install those packages is:

sudo apt-get install python2.3 python2.3-xmms libwxgtk2.5.3-python

Finally the PYTHONPATH needs to be extended to pick up the wx 2.5.3 libraries.

Either edit /usr/bin/iPodder to look like this, or just do it manually when you want to run iPodder:

export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.5.3-gtk2-unicode/:$PYTHONPATH-unicode:$PYTHONPATH
cd /opt/iPodder
