Monday, September 1, 2003

Using MTRG to monitor kid's bandwidth

We just added a WinXP system for the kids to use. We were tired of saying: "Stop playing neopets on Mom's computer" and "Enough of the Strong Bad email, get off of my computer". In order to keep an eye on how much bandwidth they were using, especially if they inadvertently get install some spyware, I'm using MRTG to watch for spikes in traffic.

  • On the windows systems, install SNMP (in the control panel->Add Software->Add/Remove Windows Components).

  • On the home linux server install mrtg
    and then do this:

  • Create a mrtg configuration file:
    cfgmonitor public@kidspc public@wendypc > /etc/mrtg.cfg 

  • Create a index for the top of the web area:
    indexmaker /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html 

The debian package already took care of creating the directory and a
script in /etc/cron.d/mrtg to run every 5 minutes.