- Spencer's 13th Birthday party - a photoset on Flickr --
We climbed Pack Monadnock Tagged as: [nh] - Wendy was one of four women up on the stage with Elizabeth Edwards for a Town Hall meeting on 'Security Mom' issues. Wendy got 6 standing ovations and a number of laughs. She rocks! - a photoset on Flickr --
Tagged as: [politics nh] - The Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News - 05-Oct-04 - Elizabeth Edwards faults Bush on security --
Wendy is quoted! “If I were the mother of George Bush,†Thomas said, “that kid would be grounded right now.†Tagged as: [politcs nh]
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Today's Del.icio.us bookmarks
Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user MarcN on 2004-10-06